Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Customer Service... one companies thoughts!

Well it has been awhile since I posted... the economy, the State budget, working harder.. you name the excuse! Really I have not been inspired! I was reading an article in a business magazine and they did a spot on ZAPPOS! They are the #1 on-line shoe retailer, they hit a BILLION in Sales in 2008. They are on the 50 companies to watch in 2009 (being in retail, that says something). I was intrigued by a small paragraph in the article on how Zappos wants to openly share with others what they are doing and how they are doing it.. The President TONY, started this website to show others what he believes and how he drives company growth! In a time when we are all bottom line focused... I was truly inspired to hear that Customer Service was still # 1 for one BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY! the link for the site is below...

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